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Time Period for Corrections 660-05-40-10

(Revised 1/1/08 ML 3118)

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The following time periods are established for correction of deficiencies identified in the Correction Order:

  1. For a deficiency requiring a provider or substitute caregiver to provide written documentation of qualification to provide Adult Family Foster Care, a period of up to thirty days must be allowed to correct the deficiency.
  2. For a deficiency that requires an inspection for compliance with fire, safety, and sanitation a period of up to thirty days must be allowed to correct the deficiency.
  3. For a deficiency that requires obtaining and providing the results of a drug and alcohol evaluation, psychological evaluation, or a physical examination a period of up to sixty days must be allowed to correct the deficiency.
  4. For deficiencies which require building remodeling, renovation, or change a period of sixty days must be allowed to correct the deficiency.
  5. For all other deficiencies a period of up to thirty days must be allowed to correct the deficiency.

All time periods must commence with the date the correction order is received by the provider.


The Department may grant extensions for a period of one half the original allowable time to correct a deficiency upon demonstration by the provider that the need for an extension exists.  












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